
Danny Minch, otherwise known as the All Powerful God of Comedy, is credited with the actual invention of comedy. Those with no sense of humor are sent to touch him so they will be healed. Laughter did not exist before Danny told his first joke. His material has been stolen by the likes of Louis CK**, Rodney Dangerfield**, Steve Martin**, Richard Pryor**, Eddie Murphy**, Dave Chappelle** and every other funny comedian who has ever existed or ever will exist. Any laughter evoking joke you have ever heard was written by Danny Minch. In World War II and Vietnam, Danny was a comedy sharp shooter. His jokes could literally kill in any language, hence the term "killing" in reference to comedy. It has been reported by the American Medical Association that Danny's humor is the only credited cure for AIDS and cancer. 



* Bio may be slightly exaggerated

**has never heard of Danny Minch let alone his material. 

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Danny is a regular at the Hollywood Improv, Brea Improv, the Ice House, the Comedy Store, the John Lovitz Comedy Club and the HaHa Cafe and also tours across the US. He has opened for comedians such as Brad Garrett, Jim Jefferies, Rudy Moreno, and Jeff Garcia. 

Comedy Style

Danny's unique style of comedy can be adapted to entertain any audience. Clients can expect the utmost professionalism both on and off stage.

Clean Comedy 

Danny doesn't rely on dirty jokes or profanity to carry his comedy. His material is intelligent and hilarious enough to stand on its own. Danny can perform up to an hour of completely clean comedy, ideal for corporate events or even church events. 

Classic Stand-Up Comedy

Danny can do up to an hour of clean comedy, however, if your comedy taste is a little more ris-kay, Danny can entertain for over an hour complete with blush inducing innuendo, crowd work, and if he really likes you, a dance number. Danny is a superb dancer. No, seriously. 

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Character Comedy/Topic Specific Comedy

Don't want Danny Minch? That's ok! Tell him who you want and he will be that person! Danny's most popular character is St. Stan the Raider Fan (pictured to the right). On several occasions Danny has been asked to portray a character with topic specific material and he is always happy to oblige! 


Comedians make the best emcees because they keep your event entertaining. Danny has emceed an array of events from charity events to fashion shows to rock concerts.